Selected Publications



KIS counteracts PTBP2 and regulates alternative exon usage in neurons

Marcos Moreno-Aguilera, Alba M Neher, Mónica B Mendoza, Martin Dodel, Faraz K Mardakheh, Raúl Ortiz, Carme Gallego (2024)

Elife  2024, 0:e96048.

TREX reveals proteins that bind to specific RNA regions in living cells

Martin Dodel, Giulia Guiducci, Maria Dermit, Sneha Krishnamurthy, Emilie L. Alard, Federica Capraro, Zeinab Rekad, Lovorka Stojic* & Faraz K. Mardakheh*  (2024)

Nature Methods. 21(3):423-434.



An mRNA processing pathway suppresses metastasis by governing translational control from the nucleus

Navickas A, Asgharian H, Winkler J, Fish L, Garcia K, Markett D, Dodel M, Culbertson B, Miglani S, Joshi T, Yin K, Nguyen P, Zhang S, Stevers N, Hwang HW, Mardakheh F, Goga A, Goodarzi H. (2023)

Nature Cell Biology  25(6):892-903.

TREX reveals proteins that bind to specific RNA regions in living cells

Dodel M, Guiducci G, Dermit M, Krishnamurthy S, Stojic L*, Mardakheh FK* (2023)

BioRxiv (CSHL)

An ERK1/2-driven RNA-binding switch in nucleolin drives ribosome biogenesis and pancreatic tumorigenesis downstream of RAS oncogene

Azman MS, Alard EL, Dodel M, Capraro F, Faraway R, Dermit M, Fan W, Chakraborty A, Ule J, Mardakheh FK* (2023)

EMBO Journal   vol 42:e110902

Systematic identification of post-transcriptional regulatory modules

Khoroshkin MS, Buyan A, Dodel M, Navickas A, Yu J, Trejo F, Doty A, Baratam R, Zhou S, Joshi T, Miglani S, Choi B, Subramanyam V, Modi H, Corces R,  Markett D, Kulakovskiy IV, Mardakheh FK*, Goodarzi H* (2023)

BioRxiv (CSHL)



ERG activity is regulated by endothelial FAK coupling with TRIM25/USP9x in vascular patterning

Gabriela D'amico, Isabelle Fernandez, Jesús Gómez-Escudero, Hyojin Kim, Eleni Maniati, Muhammad Syahmi Azman, Faraz K Mardakheh, Bryan Serrels, et al. (2022)

Development  149, 13  (dev200528)


An RNA-binding switch drives ribosome biogenesis and tumorigenesis downstream of RAS oncogene

Azman MS, Dodel M, Capraro F, Faraway R, Dermit M, Fan W, Ule J, Mardakheh FK*. (2021)

BioRxiv (CSHL)


The elongation factor eEF1A2 controls translation and actin dynamics in dendritic spines

Mònica B Mendoza, Sara Gutierrez, Raúl Ortiz, David F Moreno, Maria Dermit, Martin Dodel, Elena Rebollo, Miquel Bosch, Faraz K Mardakheh, Carme Gallego (2021)

Science Signaling 14, 691 (eabf5594)

DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.abf5594


A prometastatic splicing program regulated by SNRPA1 interactions with structured RNA elements

Fish L, Khoroshkin M, Navickas A, Garcia K, Culbertson B, Hänisch B, Zhang S, Nguyen HCB, Soto LM, Dermit M, Mardakheh FK, Molina H, Alarcón C, Najafabadi HS, Goodarzi H. (2021)

Science 14;372(6543).

DOI: 10.1126/science.abc753


Centrosome amplification mediates small extracellular vesicle secretion via lysosome disruption

Sophie D Adams, Judit Csere, Gisela D’angelo, Edward P Carter, Maryse Romao, Teresa Arnandis, Martin Dodel, Hemant M Kocher, Richard Grose, Graça Raposo, Faraz Mardakheh, Susana A Godinho. (2021)

Current Biology 31, 7, 1403-1416

Purification and quantitative proteomic analysis of cell bodies and protrusions

Dermit M*  & Mardakheh FK* (2021)

STAR Protocols  2, 2, 100462


Subcellular mRNA Localization Regulates Ribosome Biogenesis in Migrating Cells

Dermit M , Dodel M , Lee FCY, Azman MS , Schwenzer H, Jones JL, Blagden SP, Ule J, Mardakheh FK* (2020)                                                                                                                                                                     Developmental Cell 35, 3, 298-313.

RBMS1 suppresses colon cancer metastasis through targeted stabilization of its mRNA regulon

Johnny Yu, Albertas Navickas, Hosseinali Asgharian, Bruce Culbertson, Lisa Fish, Kristle Garcia, John Paolo Olegario, Maria Dermit, Martin Dodel, Benjamin Hanisch, Yikai Luo, Ethan M Weinberg, Rodrigo Dienstmann, Robert S Warren, Faraz K Mardakheh and Hani Goodarzi. (2020)                                                                                                                                                                        Cancer Discovery 10 (9): 1410–1423.

Maternal Larp6 controls oocyte development, chorion formation and elevation.

Hau HTA, Ogundele O, Hibbert AH, Monfries CAL, Exelby K, Wood NJ, Nevarez-Mejia J, Carbajal MA et al.(2020).

Development  vol. 147, (4)



Subcellular mRNA localization regulates ribosome biogenesis in migrating cells.

Dermit M , Dodel M , Lee FCY, Azman MS , Schwenzer H, Jones JL, Blagden SP, Ule J, Mardakheh FK* (2019). 

bioRxiv (CSHL).




DNA repair deficiency sensitizes lung cancer cells to NAD+ biosynthesis blockade.

Touat M, Sourisseau T, Dorvault N, Chabanon RM, Garrido M, Morel D, Krastev DB, Bigot L et al.(2018).

Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 128, (4) 1671-1687.



Methods for monitoring and measurement of protein translation in time and space.

Dermit M, Dodel M, Mardakheh FK* (2017). 

Molecular BioSystems vol. 13, (12) 2477-2488.



RHO binding to FAM65A regulates Golgi reorientation during cell migration.

Mardakheh FK*, Self A, Marshall CJ(2016). 

J Cell Sci vol. 129, (24) 4466-4479.


Proteomics profiling of interactome dynamics by colocalisation analysis (COLA).

Mardakheh FK*, Sailem HZ, Kümper S, Tape CJ, McCully RR, Paul A, Anjomani-Virmouni S, Jørgensen C et al.(2016). 

Mol Biosyst vol. 13, (1) 92-105.


Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) function is essential for cell cycle progression, senescence and tumorigenesis.

Kümper S, Mardakheh FK, McCarthy A, Yeo M, Stamp GW, Paul A, Worboys J, Sadok A et al.(2016). 

eLife vol. 5:e12994.




Global Analysis of mRNA, Translation, and Protein Localization: Local Translation Is a Key Regulator of Cell Protrusions. 

Mardakheh FK*, Paul A, Kümper S, Sadok A, Paterson H, Mccarthy A, Yuan Y, Marshall CJ (2015). 

Developmental Cell vol. 35, (3) 344-357.
